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Araştırmada 3 sonuç bulundu

  1. sa friends, i search in forum before write this topic .. i found this topic here https://www.kodevelopers.com/genel-yardim/3238-tatto-sistemi-hk.html and not solve my problem my GameDefine.h enum ItemSlotType { ItemSlot1HEitherHand = 0, ItemSlot1HRightHand = 1, ItemSlot1HLeftHand = 2, ItemSlot2HRightHand = 3, ItemSlot2HLeftHand = 4, ItemSlotPauldron = 5, ItemSlotPads = 6, ItemSlotHelmet = 7, ItemSlotGloves = 8, ItemSlotBoots = 9, ItemSlotEarring = 10, ItemSlotNecklace = 11, ItemSlotRing = 12, ItemSlotShoulder = 13, ItemSlotBelt = 14, ItemSlotKaul = 20, ItemSlotBag = 25, ItemSlotCospreGloves = 100, ItemSlotCosprePauldron = 105, ItemSlotCospreHelmet = 107, ItemSlotCospreWings = 110, ItemSlotCospreFairy = 111, ItemSlotCospreTatto = 112 }; globals.h // ITEM_SLOT DEFINE const uint8 RIGHTEAR = 0; const uint8 HEAD = 1; const uint8 LEFTEAR = 2; const uint8 NECK = 3; const uint8 BREAST = 4; const uint8 SHOULDER = 5; const uint8 RIGHTHAND = 6; const uint8 WAIST = 7; const uint8 LEFTHAND = 8; const uint8 RIGHTRING = 9; const uint8 LEG = 10; const uint8 LEFTRING = 11; const uint8 GLOVE = 12; const uint8 FOOT = 13; const uint8 RESERVED = 14; const uint8 CWING = 42; const uint8 CHELMET = 43; const uint8 CLEFT = 44; const uint8 CRIGHT = 45; const uint8 CTOP = 46; const uint8 CFAIRY = 47; const uint8 CTATTO = 48; const uint8 BAG1 = 49; const uint8 BAG2 = 50; const uint8 COSP_WINGS = 0; const uint8 COSP_HELMET = 1; const uint8 COSP_GLOVE = 2; const uint8 COSP_GLOVE2 = 3; const uint8 COSP_BREAST = 4; const uint8 COSP_BAG1 = 5; // relative bag slot from cospre items const uint8 COSP_BAG2 = 6; // relative bag slot from cospre items const uint8 COSP_FAIRY = 7; const uint8 COSP_TATTO = 8;// Tatto const uint8 SLOT_MAX = 14; // 14 equipped item slots const uint8 HAVE_MAX = 28; // 28 inventory slots const uint8 COSP_MAX = 9; // 8 cospre slots const uint8 MBAG_COUNT = 2; // 2 magic bag slots const uint8 MBAG_MAX = 12; // 12 slots per magic bag const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_SLOT = 0; const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_INVEN = 1; const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_COSPRE = 3; const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_MBAG = 4; // Total number of magic bag slots #define MBAG_TOTAL (MBAG_MAX * MBAG_COUNT) // Start of inventory area #define INVENTORY_INVENT (SLOT_MAX) // Start of cospre area #define INVENTORY_COSP (SLOT_MAX+HAVE_MAX) // Start of magic bag slots (after the slots for the bags themselves) #define INVENTORY_MBAG (SLOT_MAX+HAVE_MAX+COSP_MAX) // Start of magic bag 1 slots (after the slots for the bags themselves) #define INVENTORY_MBAG1 (INVENTORY_MBAG) // Start of magic bag 2 slots (after the slots for the bags themselves) #define INVENTORY_MBAG2 (INVENTORY_MBAG+MBAG_MAX) // Total slots in the general-purpose inventory storage #define INVENTORY_TOTAL (INVENTORY_MBAG2+MBAG_MAX) const uint8 VIPSTORAGE_MAX = 48; const uint8 WAREHOUSE_MAX = 192; const uint8 MAX_MERCH_ITEMS = 12; #define MAX_MERCH_MESSAGE 40 ItemMove https://pastebin.com/FM9U6BGy screenshot problem hope you guys help me solve my problem thank you
  2. byxox

    Tatto Sistemi Hk

    Arkadaşlar merhabalar Forumda Özkan arkadaşımızın paylaştıgı 2167 exe ile versıyon yukseltmesı tamamladım. https://www.kodevelopers.com/gelistirme/632-2153-tatto-dovme-sistemi.html Emra nın paylaştıgı tatto ıcın sıstemı yaptım ve goruntu su sekıldedır: https://prnt.sc/i68o5t Suan sorunsuz calısıyor fakat relog attıgımda şu şekle gelıyor : http://prntscr.com/i68pjn emrenın paylaştıgı konuda User.cpp SendMyInfo fonksiyon içerisinde yeri değiştirin. CPP Kod: _ITEM_DATA * pItem = GetInventoryItem(i == BAG1 ? FAIRY : i == FAIRY ? BAG1 : i == BAG2 ? TATTO : i == TATTO ? BAG2 : i); buraya ekleme yapmadım sadece bu sebepten mı kayma oluyordur acaba? Yardımcı olabılırsenız cok sevınırım Teşekkurler
  3. Yaptıklarım Kırmızı boyadım bakın ne eğer yanlış varsa düzeltebilirim. GameDefine.h enum ItemSlotType { ItemSlot1HEitherHand = 0, ItemSlot1HRightHand = 1, ItemSlot1HLeftHand = 2, ItemSlot2HRightHand = 3, ItemSlot2HLeftHand = 4, ItemSlotPauldron = 5, ItemSlotPads = 6, ItemSlotHelmet = 7, ItemSlotGloves = 8, ItemSlotBoots = 9, ItemSlotEarring = 10, ItemSlotNecklace = 11, ItemSlotRing = 12, ItemSlotShoulder = 13, ItemSlotBelt = 14, ItemSlotPet = 20, ItemSlotBag = 25, ItemSlotCospreGloves = 100, ItemSlotCosprePauldron = 105, ItemSlotCospreHelmet = 107, ItemSlotCospreWings = 110, ItemSlotCospreFairy = 111, ItemSlotCospreTatto = 112 }; ItemHandler.cpp case ItemSlotCospreFairy: if (destpos != COSP_FAIRY) return false; break; case ItemSlotCospreTatto: if (destpos != COSP_TATTO) return false; break; CharacterMovementHandler.cpp uint8 equippedItems[] = { BREAST, LEG, HEAD, GLOVE, FOOT, SHOULDER, RIGHTHAND, LEFTHAND, CWING, CHELMET, CRIGHT, CLEFT, CTOP, FAIRY, TATTO }; Globals.h const uint8 FAIRY = 49; const uint8 TATTO = 50; const uint8 COSP_FAIRY = 7; // Fairy const uint8 COSP_TATTO = 8;// Tatto const uint8 COSP_MAX = 7; // 6 + 1 = 7 = 1 tane sloth dövme sistemin gelmiştir. ITEM KODUNU YANLIS VARSA BAKIN.. 810431970 Solar Tattoo 22 0 255 252 112 20 0 0 100 0 0 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
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