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Araştırmada 2 sonuç bulundu

  1. Item_Org uInt32 - The Item's ID. Note that if the Item you want to add is an upgradeable item, you have to put it like xxxxxx000, because this Table is a basic table only. Byte 1 - The Item's Type. For example 0 => Dagger. 26 => Sword etc. NOTE: CLIENT SIDE! (Info for the EXT files) Byte 2 - The Item's Name. Byte 3 - The Item's Description. Note that if the Item you wanna add is upgradeable, the Description will count for ALL items that are based on this ID. Byte 4 - The Item's Group. Meaning: Set it to 1 if your desire Item should be Unique (else set it to 0). Byte 5 - This one I'm not sure of, and since I dont want to give wrong Info I will leave it. Byte 6 - Animation of the Item, links to the Item folder. Byte 7 - The Item's Icon. Byte 8 - An Additional Information to uInt32. Used for defining the item's +10 ID. So it's like xxxxxxByte 8 Byte 9 - An Additional Information to uInt32. Used for defining the Item's +1 ID. So it's like xxxxxxByte 9 Byte 10 - The Item's Type. Server Side! (You will find the column under: ItemKind in Database) Byte 11 - Im not sure, but from what I've found out it's 1 for all mage's pauldrons that need master quest. Byte 12 - This one I'm not sure of. Byte 13 - I don't have the slightest clue of this Column. Byte 14 - The Item's required Class, not sure though. Byte 15 - Item's Attack Power at +0. However, I'd strongly recommand setting this value to 0 because it multiplies with the EXT files. Byte 16 - Delay between each 'R' skill. Byte 17 - The basic Fire Damage at +0. But as I said you shouldn't use this value, but the EXT value. Byte 18 - The Item's weight. Byte 19 - The Item's basic Durability. Byte 20 - The Item's Purchasing Price at NPC. Byte 21 - The Item's Selling Price at NPC. Byte 22 - The Item's basic Defense. Byte 23 - Set it to 1 to make it Stackable. ( 0 to disable it) Byte 24 - The Item's Skill ID (Effect1 in Database.) Byte 25 - The Item's Effect. (Effect2 in Database.) Byte 26 - The Item's minimum level for using or equiping. Byte 27 - Not sure but I think the maximum level for using or equiping. Byte 28 - The Item's required Authority. (For example: 1 = King) Byte 29 - This one I'm not sure of. Byte 30 - Item's required Strength. Byte 31 - Item's required Health Points. Byte 32 - Item's required Dexterity. Byte 33 - Item's required Intelligence. Byte 34 - Item's Required Magic Power. Byte 35 - The Item's Selling Group. Has to match with Database to make it work properly. Byte 36 - This one I'm not sure of. Item_Org (6)1 = Not exactly sure what this is (something to do with first digits) (7)2 = Name of Item (6)3 = Number of item located at your Item_org_us.tbl (7)4 = Depends of item class. (6)5 = Elemental glow that item get since (+6). Example in (item_ext_30_us) hell breaker (4) is 12060 , here "12" refer into the ITEM kind.. and "060" to the color of the glow in this case (fire elemental) (6)6 = Not exactly sure what this is for , but I recommend to SET Value 0 (6)7 = Not exactly sure what this is for , but I recommend to SET Value 0 (2)8 = ItemType, value is located at your database table. (3)9 = % of probabilities that item get broke when u try to up it on anvil. (3)10 = 100% this value match directly with the column (3)9 (3)11 = Something to do with rebith (prolly can find it out on deaths guide on rebith) (3)12 = EvasionRate of the item, value is located at your Database (3)13 = Duration of the item from 5000-9500 (3)14 = Value 1 (3)15 = AC(defense) that items carry (like rol : 50 ring of magic : 50 roc : 50) (3)16 = Dagger AC (3)17 = Sword AC (3)18 = Mace AC (3)19 = Axe AC (3)20 = Spear AC (3)21 = Arrow AC (2)22 = Flame Damage,weapon glows fire (2)23 = Glacier Damage, weapon glows ice (2)24 = Lighting Damage, weapon glows lighting (2)25 = Poison Damage, weapon glows poison (2)26 = HP Drain it should work like scorpion schyte HP absorve! (2)27 = MP Damage (2)28 = MP Drain (2)29 = Mirron Damage (2)30 = Since (+7) the item value change from 0 to 1 (3)31 = Str bonus that the item gives (3)32 = Health bonus that the item gives (3)33 = Dextery bonus that the item gives (3)34 = Intelligence bonus that the item gives (3)35 = Magic Power bonus that the item gives (3)36 = Max HP Bonus, this value could be possitive or negative! (either "+100") (3)37 = Max MP Bonus, this value could be possitive or negative! (or "-100") (3)38 = Fire Resistance that the item gives (3)39 = Glacier Resistance that the item gives (3)40 = Lighting Resistance that the item gives (3)41 = Magic Resistance that the item gives (3)42 = Poison Resistance that the item gives (3)43 = Curse Resistance that the item gives (6)44 = EFFECT 1, match somewere in dbo.magic_tables (6)45 = EFFECT 2 , match somewere in dbo.magic_tables (3)46 = something to do with rebith (read more from death's guide) (3)47 = something to do with rebith (read more from death's guide) (3)48 = something to do with rebith (read more from death's guide) (3)49 = Str bonus requirement when item get upgraded, It starts with value 0 in (+1) and it ends with value 36 in (+10) it has arithmetic progression in 4 (3)50 = Health bonus requirement when item get upgraded, It starts with value 0 in (+1) and it ends with value 36 in (+10) it has arithmetic progression in 4 (3)51 = Dextery bonus requirement when item get upgraded, It starts with value 0 in (+1) and it ends with value 36 in (+10) it has arithmetic progression in 4 (3)52 = Intelligence bonus requirement when item get upgraded, It starts with value 0 in (+1) a
  2. Hatırladığım kadarı ile @ Dawn kendi hazırladığı halini paylaşmıştı fakat konu içeriği gizli olduğu için veremiyorum Item_Org (6)1 = Itemin Numarasi (2)2 = Hangi Item_Ext.tblde yer aliyor (7)3 = Itemin Adi nedir? (7)4 = Itemin Aciklamasi,Itemin En Altinda Yazicaktir *Maked By RoTRKO* gibi (6)5 = Herzman 0 olmalidir (2)6 = Herzman 0 olmalidir (6)7 = Icon icin verilmis olan numara (Bence item numarasini kisaltin Ornek 100010000 item numarasi bole ise sondan 1 sifir silin ve ekleyin)Icon icindir. (6)8 = Eger Giysi yada Silah ise Dis gorunusu nasil olucak.(Dxt Numarasi) (6)9 = Herzmn 0 olmalidir (6)10 = Her zmn 0 olmalidir (2)11 = DBdeki ITEM Tablosunda yer Alan “Kind” Yerin numarasi (2)12 = Her zmn 0 olmalidir (2)13 = DBdeki Item Tablosunda Yer alan “Slot” yerin numarasi (2)14 = Eger Item ise 0 olmalidir, Eger Scroll ise 20 (2)15 = DBdeki Item Tablosunda Yer alan “Class” Yerin Numarasi (3)16 = Itemin Atagi DBden Alinmalidir. (3)17 = DBdeki Item TAblosunda yer alan “Delay” Yerin Numarasi (3)18 = DBdeki Item Tablosunda Yer Alan “Range” yerin Numarasi(Sadece Silahlar icin gecerlidir,silah degilse 0) (3)19 = Itemin Agirligi DBden Alinmalidir.(Item Tablosunda “Weight” yerin Numarasi. (3)20 = Itemin Rpr Suresi (Item Tablosunda “Duration” Yazan yerin numarasi. (5)21 = Itemin Satin alma Parasi (Eger NPCye fln eklerlerse Kac Coins Yazsin,Item Tablosunda “BuyPrice” YAzan yerin numarasi.) (5)22 = Itemi NPCye Satinca Kac Coin yazsin.(Item Tablosundaki “SellPrice” yazan yerin numarasi.) (3)23 = Itemin Verdigi Deffans(Item Tablosundaki “AC” Yazan yerin numarasi.) (2)24 = Item tablosundaki “Countable” Yazan yerin numarasi” (6)25 = Effect1 (Item dosyasindaki “Effect1″ yerin numarasi.) (6)26 = Effect2,(Item dosyasindaki “Effect2″ yerin numarasi) (1)27 = En az Istenilen Level (Item Tablosundaki “ReqLevel” Yerin numarasi.) (1)28 = En fazla Istenilen level(Item Tablosundaki “ReqLevelMax” yerin numarasi.) (2)29 = 0 Olmalidir. Petler icin 101 ile 103 Olarak Degismektedir. (2)30 = 0 Olmalidir. (2)31 = Istenilen Str Bonus Miktari. (2)32 = Istenilen HP Bonus Miktari. (2)33 = Istenilen Dex Bonus Miktari. (2)34 = Istenilen Int Bonus Miktari. (2)35 = Istenilen MagicPower Bonus Miktari. (2)36 = Npcde Satmak istiyorsaniz 201 ile 255 arasi olmadilir(istemiyorsaniz 0) (2)37 = Low class “1″ middle class “2″ High class “3″, (Upgrade Turu) Item_ext 0 - UInt32 > dwID > Itemin Son 3 hanesi 1 - String > szHeader > Itemin adı 2 - UInt32 > a > Genelde boş olur ama itemin ana kodu yazar. 3 - String > szRemark > Burası önemsiz genelde japonca veya korece karakterler ( orn : ±âº»¾÷10 ) 4 - UInt32 > dwt > Efekt kodu ( Fire , Glacier vs... ) 5 - UInt32 > a2 > Item Görüntü Kodu 6 - UInt32 > a3 > Item Simge kodu 7 - Byte > byMagicOrRare > Item türü ( 4 = Unique , 5 = Upgrade Item , 6 = Event Item vs... ) 8 - Int16 > siDamage > Atak Değeri 9 - Int16 > siAttackIntervalPercentage > Genelde bu değer 100 10 - Int16 > siHitRate > Attack Power % ( Örnek skeleton belt ) 11 - Int16 > siEvationRate > Dodge Rate % ( örnek elf belt ) 12 - Int16 > siMaxDurability > Max. Durability 13 - Int16 > siPriceMultiply > Fiyat 14 - Int16 > siDefense > Defans 15 - Int16 > siDefenseRateDagger > Dagger Defans 16 - Int16 > siDefenseRateSword > Sword Defans 17 - Int16 > siDefenseRateBlow > Club Defans 18 - Int16 > siDefenseRateAxe > Axe Defans 19 - Int16 > siDefenseRateSpear > Spear Defans 20 - Int16 > siDefenseRateArrow > Arrow Defans 21 - Byte > byDamageFire > Fire Damage 22 - Byte > byDamageIce > Glacier Damage 23 - Byte > byDamageThuner > Lightning Damage 24 - Byte > byDamagePoison > Poison Damage 25 - Byte > byStillHP > Hp Recovery 26 - Byte > byDamageMP > Mp Damage ( karşı tarafın manasını yer ) 27 - Byte > byStillMP > Mp Recovery 28 - Byte > byReturnPhysicalDamage > Rebel Physical Damage 29 - Byte > bySoulBind > Genelde 0 veya 1 30 - Int16 > siBonusStr > Bonus Strengh (stat) 31 - Int16 > siBonusSta > Bonus Health Bonus (stat) 32 - Int16 > siBonusDex > Bonus Dexterity (stat) 33 - Int16 > siBonusInt > Bonus Intelligence (stat) 34 - Int16 > siBonusMagicAttak > Bonus Magic Power (stat) 35 - Int16 > siBonusHP > Bonus HP 36 - Int16 > siBonusMSP > Bonus MP 37 - Int16 > siRegistFire > Fire Resist 38 - Int16 > siRegistIce > Glacier Resist 39 - Int16 > siRegistElec > Lightning Resist 40 - Int16 > siRegistMagic > Magic Resist 41 - Int16 > siRegistPoison > Poison Resist 42 - Int16 > siRegistCurse > Curse Resist 43 - UInt32 > dwEffectIDint > Genelde bu değer 0 44 - UInt32 > dwEffectID2 int > Genelde bu değer 0 45 - Int16 > siNeedLevel > Gerekli Level 46 - Int16 > siNeedRank > Gerekli Rank 47 - Int16 > siNeedTitle > Gerekli Title 48 - Int16 > siNeedStrength > Gerekli STR (stat) 49 - Int16 > siNeedStamina > Gerekli HP (stat) 50 - Int16 > siNeedDexterity > Gerekli DEX (stat) 51 - Int16 > siNeedInteli > Gerekli INT (stat) 52 - Int16 > siNeedMagicAttack > Gerekli MP (stat) Kendisine forumunda para için adımı lekelediği halde kızgın olsam da, Hazırlayan ali, RoTRKO.
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