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Araştırmada 53 sonuç bulundu

  1. Merhaba.. Sql 2014 Procedure den çeviremedim. ancak yapamadım. LOAD_PREMIUM_SERVICE_USER bool CDBAgent::LoadPremiumServiceUser(string & strAccountID, CUser *pUser) { if (pUser == nullptr) return false; unique_ptr dbCommand(m_AccountDB->CreateCommand()); if (dbCommand.get() == nullptr) return false; dbCommand->AddParameter(SQL_PARAM_INPUT, strAccountID.c_str(), strAccountID.length()); if (!dbCommand->Execute(_T("{CALL LOAD_PREMIUM_SERVICE_USER(?)}"))) { ReportSQLError(m_AccountDB->GetError()); return false; } if (!dbCommand->hasData()) return false; char strPremium[30]; memset(strPremium, 0, sizeof(strPremium)); uint8 bPremiumCount = 0; dbCommand->FetchByte(1, pUser->m_bPremiumInUse); dbCommand->FetchByte(2, bPremiumCount); dbCommand->FetchBinary(3, strPremium, sizeof(strPremium)); for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < bPremiumCount; i++, index += 5) { uint8 bPremiumType = *(uint8*)(strPremium + index); uint32 iPremiumTime = *(uint32*)(strPremium + index + 1); if (iPremiumTime < UNIXTIME) continue; _PREMIUM_DATA *pPremium = new _PREMIUM_DATA; pPremium->bPremiumType = bPremiumType; pPremium->iPremiumTime = iPremiumTime; if (!pUser->m_PremiumMap.PutData(bPremiumType, pPremium)) delete pPremium; } if (pUser->m_PremiumMap.GetSize() == 0) { _PREMIUM_DATA *pPremium = new _PREMIUM_DATA; pPremium->bPremiumType = PremiumTypes::Dummy_Premium; pPremium->iPremiumTime = uint32(UNIXTIME) + 24 * 60 * 60 * 2; if (!pUser->m_PremiumMap.PutData(pPremium->bPremiumType, pPremium)) delete pPremium; else pUser->m_bPremiumInUse = PremiumTypes::Dummy_Premium; } else { if (pUser->m_PremiumMap.GetData(pUser->m_bPremiumInUse) == nullptr) { pUser->m_bPremiumInUse = NO_PREMIUM; foreach_stlmap(itr, pUser->m_PremiumMap) { _PREMIUM_DATA * uPrem = itr->second; if (uPrem == nullptr || uPrem->iPremiumTime == 0) continue; pUser->m_bPremiumInUse = uPrem->bPremiumType; break; } } } // this is hardcoded because we don't really care about the other mode if (pUser->m_bPremiumInUse != NO_PREMIUM) pUser->m_bAccountStatus = 1; // normal premium with expiry time else pUser->m_bAccountStatus = 0; return true; } SAVE_PREMIUM_SERVICE_USER bool CDBAgent::SavePremiumServiceUser(CUser *pUser) { if (pUser == nullptr) return false; unique_ptr dbCommand(m_AccountDB->CreateCommand()); if (dbCommand.get() == nullptr) return false; int8 bRet = -2; // generic error char strPremium[30]; int index = 0; memset(strPremium, 0, sizeof(strPremium)); int counter = 0; uint32 time = 0; foreach_stlmap(itr, pUser->m_PremiumMap) { if (itr->second == nullptr || itr->second->iPremiumTime < UNIXTIME || itr->second->bPremiumType == PremiumTypes::Dummy_Premium) continue; if (time < itr->second->iPremiumTime) time = itr->second->iPremiumTime; *(uint8 *)(strPremium + index) = itr->first; *(uint32 *)(strPremium + 1 + index) = itr->second->iPremiumTime; index += 5; counter++; } if (time > uint32(UNIXTIME)) time = uint32(time - UNIXTIME); // total premium seconds left dbCommand->AddParameter(SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT, &bRet); dbCommand->AddParameter(SQL_PARAM_INPUT, pUser->GetAccountName().c_str(), pUser->GetAccountName().length()); dbCommand->AddParameter(SQL_PARAM_INPUT, (char *)strPremium, sizeof(strPremium), SQL_BINARY); if (!dbCommand->Execute(string_format(_T("{? = CALL SAVE_PREMIUM_SERVICE_USER(?, ?, %d, %d, %d)}"), counter, pUser->m_bPremiumInUse == PremiumTypes::Dummy_Premium ? 0 : pUser->m_bPremiumInUse, time))) ReportSQLError(m_AccountDB->GetError()); return true; }
  2. Yaptıklarım Kırmızı boyadım bakın ne eğer yanlış varsa düzeltebilirim. GameDefine.h enum ItemSlotType { ItemSlot1HEitherHand = 0, ItemSlot1HRightHand = 1, ItemSlot1HLeftHand = 2, ItemSlot2HRightHand = 3, ItemSlot2HLeftHand = 4, ItemSlotPauldron = 5, ItemSlotPads = 6, ItemSlotHelmet = 7, ItemSlotGloves = 8, ItemSlotBoots = 9, ItemSlotEarring = 10, ItemSlotNecklace = 11, ItemSlotRing = 12, ItemSlotShoulder = 13, ItemSlotBelt = 14, ItemSlotPet = 20, ItemSlotBag = 25, ItemSlotCospreGloves = 100, ItemSlotCosprePauldron = 105, ItemSlotCospreHelmet = 107, ItemSlotCospreWings = 110, ItemSlotCospreFairy = 111, ItemSlotCospreTatto = 112 }; ItemHandler.cpp case ItemSlotCospreFairy: if (destpos != COSP_FAIRY) return false; break; case ItemSlotCospreTatto: if (destpos != COSP_TATTO) return false; break; CharacterMovementHandler.cpp uint8 equippedItems[] = { BREAST, LEG, HEAD, GLOVE, FOOT, SHOULDER, RIGHTHAND, LEFTHAND, CWING, CHELMET, CRIGHT, CLEFT, CTOP, FAIRY, TATTO }; Globals.h const uint8 FAIRY = 49; const uint8 TATTO = 50; const uint8 COSP_FAIRY = 7; // Fairy const uint8 COSP_TATTO = 8;// Tatto const uint8 COSP_MAX = 7; // 6 + 1 = 7 = 1 tane sloth dövme sistemin gelmiştir. ITEM KODUNU YANLIS VARSA BAKIN.. 810431970 Solar Tattoo 22 0 255 252 112 20 0 0 100 0 0 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
  3. ??
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