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    1,726 [ Bağış Yap ]

İletiler : CyberTroll

  1. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in this topic. I can definitely help you with some SQL queries or maybe provide some information of how to solve your problem.

    My way of learning instead of looking for documentation, is to compare with things that are working.
    So for example, in your case you had problem with only some items that stuck at +8, then you can search for records in your database and client of items that their upgrades are already working.
    That way you figuring out what to change and once you get sharp in that, the next records would be easy for you.

    Have you got a functioning Power Up Store based on PHP with its links in the CommonDataUri section of the loadArea.swf?

  2. I would gladly help you for free here, as It's a lot of manual work to go through these database records and compare with your client.

    I think all you need is a little bit of direction how to get started. I'm learning myself the development side of KO, but since I have coding experience, I guess It's not very difficult for me to catch up. But you can still learn these things without coding skills, so don't lose hope so fast :)

    Thank you for being so kind.
    I realize that this task is going to be a lot of record comparing and whatnot and I hate that part. That is why I offered it to you in exchange for money.

    I'd have to find a guide about it somewhere.

  3. Help! In table K_NPC, I copied the row of Sundries and changed a few values like sSid and sPid and sellinggroup then I added a new row in K_NPCPOS table to match the id I put in the K_NPC table.

    Then I edited the client tbl NPC_us.tbl and added the new NPC and moved to the ITEMS_Org_us.tbl and modified the sellinggroup to the NPC's.

    The NPC did spawn, but with no name. It has no items in the shop. It can only repair items.

    -- mesaja ek olarak --
    Update: The NPC name now shows but the items still do not appear.

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