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PaketSend Problemi

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Çoğu servera Paket atan Botum,Bazı serverlarda Pointer güncel olmasına,Handle almasına rağmen paket atmıyor.
işin enteresan yanı paket attıgımda server taraflı tepkide Vermiyor (oyundan atma,Dc verme,Bug report vs vs).

Paket send fonksiyonum Şu şekilde;

Public Sub Paket(pStr As String)
Dim pbytes() As Byte
ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pbytes
SendPacket pbytes
End Sub

Function SendPacket(pPacket() As Byte)
Dim ThreadPtr As Long, APIAdr As Long
APIAdr = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "GetCurrentThreadId")
Dim psize As Long
Dim pCode() As Byte
' o boş qnq bunada exeden baglanıom once koxp sonra oyun acıom handle alması ıcın
psize = UBound(pPacket) - LBound(pPacket) + 1
If BytesAddr = 0 Then
BytesAddr = VirtualAllocEx(KO_HANDLE, 0, 1024, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)
End If
If BytesAddr 0 Then
WriteByteArray BytesAddr, pPacket, psize
ConvHEX2ByteArray "608B0D" & AlignDWORD(KO_PTR_PKT) & "68" & AlignDWORD(psize) & "68" & AlignDWORD(BytesAddr) & "BF" & AlignDWORD(KO_SND_FNC) & "FFD761C3", pCode
ExecuteRemoteCode pCode, True
End If
VirtualFreeEx KO_HANDLE, BytesAddr, 0, MEM_RELEASE&
End Function

Buda ExecuteRemoteCode fonksiyonu;

Function ExecuteRemoteCode(pCode() As Byte, Optional WaitExecution As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim hThread As Long, ThreadID As Long, ret As Long
Dim FuncPtr As Long
SE.nLength = Len(SE)
SE.bInheritHandle = False
FuncPtr = &H9A7AA6
ExecuteRemoteCode = 0
If FuncPtr = 0 Then
FuncPtr = VirtualAllocEx(KO_HANDLE, 0, 1024, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)
End If
If FuncPtr 0 Then
WriteByteArray FuncPtr, pCode, UBound(pCode) - LBound(pCode) + 1
hThread = CreateRemoteThread(ByVal KO_HANDLE, SE, 0, ByVal FuncPtr, 0&, 0&, ThreadID)
If hThread Then
WaitForSingleObject hThread, &HFFFF
ExecuteRemoteCode = ThreadID
End If
End If
CloseHandle hThread
End Function

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