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Fairy + Tatto + magic bag problem

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sa friends,

i search in forum before write this topic .. i found this topic here


and not solve my problem

my GameDefine.h

enum ItemSlotType
ItemSlot1HEitherHand = 0,
ItemSlot1HRightHand = 1,
ItemSlot1HLeftHand = 2,
ItemSlot2HRightHand = 3,
ItemSlot2HLeftHand = 4,
ItemSlotPauldron = 5,
ItemSlotPads = 6,
ItemSlotHelmet = 7,
ItemSlotGloves = 8,
ItemSlotBoots = 9,
ItemSlotEarring = 10,
ItemSlotNecklace = 11,
ItemSlotRing = 12,
ItemSlotShoulder = 13,
ItemSlotBelt = 14,
ItemSlotKaul = 20,
ItemSlotBag = 25,
ItemSlotCospreGloves = 100,
ItemSlotCosprePauldron = 105,
ItemSlotCospreHelmet = 107,
ItemSlotCospreWings = 110,
ItemSlotCospreFairy = 111,
ItemSlotCospreTatto = 112


const uint8 RIGHTEAR = 0;
const uint8 HEAD = 1;
const uint8 LEFTEAR = 2;
const uint8 NECK = 3;
const uint8 BREAST = 4;
const uint8 SHOULDER = 5;
const uint8 RIGHTHAND = 6;
const uint8 WAIST = 7;
const uint8 LEFTHAND = 8;
const uint8 RIGHTRING = 9;
const uint8 LEG = 10;
const uint8 LEFTRING = 11;
const uint8 GLOVE = 12;
const uint8 FOOT = 13;
const uint8 RESERVED = 14;

const uint8 CWING = 42;
const uint8 CHELMET = 43;
const uint8 CLEFT = 44;
const uint8 CRIGHT = 45;
const uint8 CTOP = 46;
const uint8 CFAIRY = 47;
const uint8 CTATTO = 48;
const uint8 BAG1 = 49;
const uint8 BAG2 = 50;

const uint8 COSP_WINGS = 0;
const uint8 COSP_HELMET = 1;
const uint8 COSP_GLOVE = 2;
const uint8 COSP_GLOVE2 = 3;
const uint8 COSP_BREAST = 4;
const uint8 COSP_BAG1 = 5; // relative bag slot from cospre items
const uint8 COSP_BAG2 = 6; // relative bag slot from cospre items
const uint8 COSP_FAIRY = 7;
const uint8 COSP_TATTO = 8;// Tatto

const uint8 SLOT_MAX = 14; // 14 equipped item slots
const uint8 HAVE_MAX = 28; // 28 inventory slots
const uint8 COSP_MAX = 9; // 8 cospre slots
const uint8 MBAG_COUNT = 2; // 2 magic bag slots
const uint8 MBAG_MAX = 12; // 12 slots per magic bag

const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_SLOT = 0;
const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_INVEN = 1;
const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_COSPRE = 3;
const uint8 ITEM_SECTION_MBAG = 4;

// Total number of magic bag slots

// Start of inventory area

// Start of cospre area

// Start of magic bag slots (after the slots for the bags themselves)

// Start of magic bag 1 slots (after the slots for the bags themselves)

// Start of magic bag 2 slots (after the slots for the bags themselves)

// Total slots in the general-purpose inventory storage

const uint8 VIPSTORAGE_MAX = 48;
const uint8 WAREHOUSE_MAX = 192;
const uint8 MAX_MERCH_ITEMS = 12;




screenshot problem


hope you guys help me solve my problem

thank you

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