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    1,191 [ Bağış Yap ]

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Hekatonkheir Hakkında

  • Doğum Günü 04/02/1995
  1. çok teşekkür ederim sorun çözülmüştür :)
  2. USE [kn_online] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[CREATE_NEW_CHAR] Script Date: 03.02.2018 15:34:42 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.CREATE_NEW_CHAR Script Date: 6/6/2006 6:03:33 PM ******/ /****** 개체: 저장 프로시저 dbo.CREATE_NEW_CHAR 스크립트 날짜: 2002-11-14 오전 11:18:03 ******/ -- scripted by samma -- Duzenleyen GoldenShark -- 14.12.2009 Turkce Karakter Ve Bir Cok Cesit Dupe Fixed ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CREATE_NEW_CHAR] @nRet smallint OUTPUT, @AccountID char(21), @index tinyint, @CharID char(21), @Race tinyint, @Class smallint, @Hair tinyint, @Face tinyint, @Str tinyint, @Sta tinyint, @Dex tinyint, @Intel tinyint, @Cha tinyint AS DECLARE @Row tinyint, @Nation tinyint, @Zone tinyint, @PosX int, @PosZ int SET @Row = 0 SET @Nation = 0 SET @Zone = 0 SET @PosX = 0 SET @PosZ = 0 SELECT @Nation = bNation, @Row = bCharNum FROM ACCOUNT_CHAR WHERE strAccountID = @AccountID IF @Row >= 5 SET @nRet = 1 IF @Nation = 1 AND @Race > 10 SET @nRet = 2 ELSE IF @Nation = 2 AND @Race ELSE IF @Nation 1 AND @Nation 2 SET @nRet = 2 IF @nRet > 0 RETURN SELECT @Row = COUNT(strUserId) FROM USERDATA WHERE strUserId = @CharID IF @Row > 0 BEGIN SET @nRet = 3 RETURN END --İzin verilen karakter kontrolü DECLARE @CheckChar as tinyint select @CheckChar=dbo.ufn_RegExIsMatch(rtrim(@CharID),'^[A-Za-z0-9öÖçÇüÜ._\-\[\]@!:;.,=+\^{}\*&()\$]*$',1) if @CheckChar=0 BEGIN SET @nRet = 3 RETURN END -- İzin verilen karakter kontrolü bitiş DECLARE @BABO as char(21) set @BABO = @CharID if @BABO like '%;%' BEGIN SET @nRet = 3 RETURN END --SET @Zone = @Nation SET @Zone=21 SELECT @PosX = InitX, @PosZ = InitZ FROM ZONE_INFO WHERE ZoneNo = @Zone BEGIN TRAN IF @index = 0 UPDATE ACCOUNT_CHAR SET strCharID1 = @CharID, bCharNum = bCharNum + 1 WHERE strAccountID = @AccountID ELSE IF @index = 1 UPDATE ACCOUNT_CHAR SET strCharID2 = @CharID, bCharNum = bCharNum + 1 WHERE strAccountID = @AccountID ELSE IF @index = 2 UPDATE ACCOUNT_CHAR SET strCharID3 = @CharID, bCharNum = bCharNum + 1 WHERE strAccountID = @AccountID ELSE IF @index = 3 UPDATE ACCOUNT_CHAR SET strCharID4 = @CharID, bCharNum = bCharNum + 1 WHERE strAccountID = @AccountID ELSE IF @index = 4 UPDATE ACCOUNT_CHAR SET strCharID5 = @CharID, bCharNum = bCharNum + 1 WHERE strAccountID = @AccountID INSERT INTO USERDATA (strUserId, Nation, Race, Class, HairColor, Face, Strong, Sta, Dex, Intel, Cha, Zone, PX, PZ, sRace) VALUES (@CharID, @Nation, @Race, @Class, @Hair, @Face, @Str, @Sta, @Dex, @Intel, @Cha, @Zone, @PosX, @PosZ, @Race) --Baslangıç Item-- exec baslangicitem @CharID --Başlangıç Item-- --Auto Master-- update USERDATA set Class = 106 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 101 update USERDATA set Class = 108 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 102 update USERDATA set Class = 110 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 103 update USERDATA set Class = 112 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 104 update USERDATA set Class = 206 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 201 update USERDATA set Class = 208 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 202 update USERDATA set Class = 210 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 203 update USERDATA set Class = 212 where strUserId = @CharID and @Class = 204 --Auto Master-- IF @@ERROR 0 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRAN SET @nRet = 4 RETURN END COMMIT TRAN SET @nRet = 0
  3. v.1299'da char açarken böyle bir hata alıyorum çözümü nedir? https://i.hizliresim.com/9mL2bZ.png tb_user'da kayıtlı olan başka bir chara giriş yaptığımda (dbde oluşturulu char) hiç sıkıntı almadan oyuna girebiliyorum fakat yeni char açamıyorum.
  4. Hekatonkheir

    (1298) MYKO Client

  5. teşekkürler
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